Friday, April 18, 2014

How do YOU start your Morning?!

We all have our own morning routine.
Whether it be simple, complicated, or just completely out of the ordinary.
"Over 50% of Americans over 18 years of age drink coffee every day. This represents over 150 million daily drinkers. 30 million American adults drink specialty coffee beverages daily; which include a mocha, latte, espresso, café mocha, cappuccino, frozen/iced coffee beverages, etc."... Full Study Here.

So already we can see that just about half the population loves there cups of coffee either in the morning, or in the afternoon. Iced, mocha, etc., but ultimately they gotta have it.

So why not take the smart step and keep what you love to drink... Just make it healthy??
That's what im offering you. A Healthy substitute. Essentially its the same thing, the only difference, our Ganoderma infused coffee makes a delicious cup good for your mind and body and helps avoid the much hated crash we experience.

If your going to incorporate something as widely accepted as coffee, the least we can do for our own personal well-being is to make it better for us!

In the end it makes sense.. keep what you love without compromising your health, that's what I want to bring to the world.

Check it out Here and get yourself started on the path to good health through coffee today!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Its Coffee!

This Line speaks for itself!

In our society coffee is some that just about everyone loves to have a cup of every once in a while. If not Coffee than maybe a cup of hot chocolate?... No?... Okay well maybe some tea?
Either way there is a special drink for us all and we would love to have that drink be nutritious for you at the same time!

Personally I'm a Man of Coffee...

A huge fan of Moche Cafe and Latte's especially. Also a huge frozen coffee drinks!
My first time i tasted a cup of Mocha Cafe' from Organo Gold I was hooked! I gave me a really good boost of energy and made my body feel warm and full of energy, all while having a delicious hot chocolate taste :).
It was just incredible! My Fiance' was with me and had a cup of tea and with just one tea bag she managed two full cups of Red Tea. She loved it. "I only used one teaspoon of sugar and it was still very sweet and made me feel very lively", she says to those that have asked her about it.

And for the price???

For price at wholesale getting a box with 30 packs of coffee runs about 28 - 31$'s
WAY better than paying about 5, 6, or even 7 dollars a CUP for a delicious cup of coffee at starbucks or sheetz, etc. A product that tastes great (based on about 9/10 people that ive asked and myself), and is sold by a company that gives back to its distributors and its community. Its a no brainer in my opinion, this company and its brand will one day be the wave of the coffee future!

Interested? Give it a try?!

Check out the Website HERE! Try it and share your opinions!!
I seriously think this coffee has alittle something special to give to the world!

Ganoderma the wondrous herb infused in all Organo Gold Products :)
Check it all out HERE!